
Monday, April 18, 2016

Prophetic Word: April 18, 2016 Betty & Sharron: A GREAT SHAKING COMING

God has Chosen the weaker things to confound the wise

New things are going to begin to happen in this world and you’re going to see things that are meant to awaken my people – my bride.  I’m going to make a last great shaking before the world of the gentiles – the number of the gentiles is complete.  You’re going to see an army being raised up, but it’s not going to be the army you think.  It’s not going to be the typical that you would think that would be my people that are taking my name in vain.  They walk among you and they take my name in vain.  They have no idea that they are even taking my name in vain, but they are living lives that are out of line with my word and what they know is the truth.  I AM the truth, I AM the way and I AM the life.  They are not overcoming by the word of their testimony and the blood of the Lamb.  Half of the world doesn’t even know that they’re believers until they say it.  People should know that you are my people.  You should live separate and they should know that you are separate unto me – that you are my special possession, my special bride.  My bride should be looking at her wedding gown.  She should be getting it ready for my coming – for her groom, ready to take her to the place he’s been preparing.  She should be about the wedding – she should be about her dress making sure there are no wrinkles or spots and that she is decked out for her Groom, soon coming Groom.  I am going to do a great shaking and the shaking is going to cause these people that are called by my name to humble themselves and to pray, and to turn from their wicked ways, and if they will humble themselves and pray, then will I hear them, and heal their land and their cities, their towns.  But until that time takes place, I am going to raise up an army and I am going to raise this army up from a place you do not even imagine – it’s going to be in the gutters and be along the highways, and it’s going to be the homeless.  It’s going to be those that have no place to go; it’s going to be those that’s been rejected by their households and their families.  It’s going to be what you would consider the low-life and the scum of the earth.  I’m going to choose the weak vessels of this world to confound those that think they’re wise in me.  They think they know what is coming down the line, but they do not.  They’re caught up in their world and they think that they are walking in my blessings but they are not.  They are walking in the blessings of the wicked one.  He has lulled them to sleep.  He has made them blind and their eyes have scales on them; their ears are plugged – but I’m getting ready to shake scales off their eyes and the plugs out of their ears.  They are going to begin to hear and see – they’re going to see me do things among people that they discarded, that they threw away, and that they thought were worthless.  They are going to see me raise up an army and a Godly generation because of the shaking that I am going to do on this planet.  A great shaking even now has begun to happen, it’s began to unfold – even to a capacity that your mind cannot conceive and that has not happened since the beginning of the world.  With this shaking there is going to be a mighty out pouring and it’s going to start with the least – it will start with the least churches in the body of Christ, the little church that nobody gives any credence to, and they are going to see signs and wonders begin to take place in these little gatherings, these little congregations, these little home churches – these little churches that barely have any people in them.  They’re going to begin to see a powerful outpouring and it’s going to create a jealousy that’s going to go up the latter.  It’s going to cause my people that are taking my name in vain – they are going to begin to fall upon their faces as they see my glory being manifested among the foolish things and it’s going to confound those that think they are wise 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Dream : Church Unprepared for Harvest

April 8, 2016 (early morning

I had a dream early this morning about my daughter Christina and her husband Dan. (Important Note: they were only symbolic of the household of faith, the family of God). I dreamt that they came home from a party where they had been most of the night - they got home 1 hour before they needed to leave for work. I was enraged and began to vent and rant to them about the foolishness of their actions; about how they knew they had to get to work the next day and now they were only going to get 1 hour sleep!  I pointed out how they would not be able to stay awake and work efficiently. I went on to tell them about how they had gotten caught up visiting with friends and partying - and had not noticed the lateness of the hour. After I had finished my rant, I was still upset and went to my room and sat down on my bed, when a sister in the Lord, who I was close to, came and sat next to me. She said "I understand how you feel and where you're coming from" - she agreed with me. I said: "I just wish they could remove a brick from the Holy City's wall and take a peek inside and watch the activities taking place within those walls right now, behind the veil... they would use their time more wisely. This verse in Romans came to mind:

Romans 13:11-14... And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake † out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.  12 The night is far spent, † the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.

I feel this is the church's mentality as a whole, more of a social attitude: eating, drinking marrying and giving in marriage, and not realizing the lateness of the hour. We, as the body of Christ, have not prepared spiritually for the Lord's work - His Harvest, which is ripe and ready to gather.  Where are his laborers?  I am also reminded of the 10 Virgins: 5 were ready with oil and 5 were only along for the social benefits till it was too late for them to prepare - the approach of the bridegroom had sounded!