
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Prophetic Word: Persecutions - Great Shaking

August 17, 2015
(Betty & Sharron)

You are wealthy beyond measure – you obtain wealth from me and you have riches from me that you know not of.  The world – the way they view riches isn’t the way that I view riches.  But you have the riches that mankind is seeking and looking for – they just don’t know it.  They don’t recognize the peace that you have, that you cannot put a price on and you can’t go out and buy that peace.  Health - you can’t buy health, the wealth that the world offers can be eaten away by the canker worm, the moth and be destroyed by mankind.  But the kind of wealth that I have is in a place that’s incorruptible. 

The warnings have gone out to the world and I have given wake up calls – and I am presently giving wake up calls to the world, but the world is not hearing, especially my people.  They are not hearing these wake up calls that are going out, but a big wake up call is getting ready to come – a great shaking is getting ready to come upon your world and upon your planet and many, many will fall.  Those that are standing firm in me, I will be with them and they are sealed and even in this great shaking that’s happening, they will shine like the noonday sun.  My people are going to be pointed out and it’s going to be evident who belongs to me and who does not belong to me.  People are going to see who is asleep, who has been wasting their time and my time, and who has been about the Father’s business – the shaking is going to reveal it.  The shaking is going to tear off the chaff from the wheat, and the wheat will be gathered into my barn and the chaff will be burned.   Even some will be imprisoned and will be thrown into great persecution but through these persecutions know that I will be with you – I will be there.  Just like Peter and Paul got thrown into prison – some of them, some of you will be put into prison and some will be carried to places that you do not wish to go but I will be with you and I will give you a mouth that speaks wisdom.  Don’t try to meditate ahead of time what you’re going to say – I will be with you and I will give you a mouth to know when to speak and I will tell you when to refrain from speaking.  They will not be able to stand against the wisdom that comes forth from your mouth because it will be me that is speaking.  I will be speaking to their hearts, what I see that is going on inside of them and it will be words appropriately fitted like a garment to them so do not try to fret about what you will say for I will be with you.

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