
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Prophetic Word - The Coming Great Deception

August 26, 2015
(Betty & Sharron received)

Lately, the Lord has been speaking prophetically through my sister Betty and I, about once a week – she prays in the Spirit and I receive interpretation from the Lord.  I asked the Lord for this gift about 35 years ago just so that if anyone received a message in tongues, I could give the interpretation if no one else did or would.  Lately He has been using us together.

Here is this week’s message from the Lord:

Just like the people of Israel asked me for a king and rejected me as their king - I then allowed them to have a king like the world has.  They got a taste of the world’s king until they did not want it anymore, because it created a desire for me as their king - then I gave them David as their king –  one after my own heart.  They had a contrast between the true king and false king.  This world is getting ready to receive a king, but it’s not going to be the kind of king that they want, not that they truly want, because they believe in a lie.  They’ve chosen the gods of this world as their gods.  They think that the gods of this world all are one god, that leads to the true god, but this is not truth, it’s the enemy’s lies.

The war in heaven has begun to take place and all the phenomena that you see taking place on this planet – all the strange signs and wonders have begun because the portals of heaven have been opened up and their being purged and cleaned.  Michael and his angels are fighting against the principalities and the wickedness in high places and they’re being cast down to the earth and all of the evil that has been released into my creation is being concentrated into one place: your planet – on earth, and I will deal with it on your planet, on the earth.  It is getting ready to be dealt with and (the rebellion) its all coming together into one place – the heavens are being purged and prepared for my people.  I created these things for my people to enjoy, and they are getting ready to enjoy what I have prepared for them.  Eyes haven’t seen, nor ears heard; neither has it ever entered into the hearts of man, the things that I have created for those that love me.  Some things I haven’t even created yet – I haven’t even designed them, and haven’t even given you the capability to see what I’ve prepared for my people. But the world hasn’t even any idea the evil that the wicked one – the anger and the rage he has because he has lost everything.  He lost it because of his sin of pride and he hates mankind because of this.  He has come down to you having great wrath and he knows that his time is short – he knows that things are getting ready to wind up.  He will be eternally separated from me.  So you need to prepare yourself for these things which are coming to pass, faster then you are able to keep up with them.  

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