
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dream: Lord's Return to Earth - Millennium Reign

March 8, 2012 Dream (about Lord’s return)

I dreamed that the Lord’s return to Earth for the millennium reign took place, and while I looked around and saw very few people, I heard Him say, “All this is yours – go choose where you want to dwell as He held his hand out and swept it across the vast horizon.  I remember looking – it appeared I was someplace in Florida near swamp lands or marsh lands.  I remember seeing these hotels and expensive homes/condominiums that were beautiful and thinking; I can take my pick and live in any one of them!  Then I noticed the vast marshy wetland behind the condo’s and walked over to take a look.  As I got there, I saw dark black water that you could not see the bottom in, and grass – very tall grass growing out of the water.  There were these big rocks just beneath the water’s surface and they had algae/moss growing upon them – like the moss that grows upon tree bark.  I stepped upon one rock and at first there did not seem to be any other rocks around me but as I took a step onto the rock, suddenly another appeared near it, and I would step upon it and there appeared another, and another, until I was free!  While I was walking upon these rocks, I “knew” that there was something beneath the dark water, something very evil!  I felt it was Satan bound for a period, but to be loosed in the future and that he was looking forward to the time when he would be released – he was full of rage and anger and revenge! 

As I stepped out of the marshy land, I was suddenly before what appeared a church office – secretary.  It seemed like Kay, who sometimes answers the phone for our church office.  She spoke to me and said, “Sharron, you need to get ready, as a very large group of people are coming – a second wave, which did not make it in the first departure…you need to get ready to help them understand why they did not make it for the first departure.” 

[Note: I wrote this 3 1/2 years ago but sounds like the new movie "War Room".]  
I woke up thinking about the Laodicean church – the lukewarm church that the Lord spewed out of his mouth.  I began to ponder the word “lukewarm” and it came to mind: “Think about coffee – you like your coffee very hot, others like it very cold/icy.  When you mix the icy with the very hot, you get lukewarm – these people are mingled with the world while trying to honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me!  When you leave your very hot coffee for a while and come back and it is barely warm – do you like it?  No!  You go heat it up or toss it out – right?  That is the way I feel about lukewarm believers that are naming my name but whose hearts are far from me – that are claiming to be believers but living in sin, not watching! 

I was still considering this dream when I opened an email I received and watched the video.  I feel like we need to stir those around us – encourage them through our own walk, by living daily “denying ourselves, taking up our cross and following Jesus: looking up as our redemption draws near, even at the door!  I watched another video that was on the same page as that one where Reinhardt Bunche raised a man who had been dead for three days and saw heaven and hell – he spoke of the flowers singing like the girl did, and he went to hell because of unforgiveness towards his wife: he was a preacher!   Here is that link:    

Pastor Daniel died after a road traffic accident. His body was in a mortuary for 3 days, and he came back to life at a crusade conducted by Pastor Reinhardt Bonnke. He still has his death certificate, written by a hospital doctor. In the movie he recounts his experiences, with amazing computer generated images of both Heaven and Hell.

To watch the full movie for free with permission by Eternal Productions go here:

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