
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dream: Saturday, February 18, 2012 “Beast-Dragon” attack against Saints and Power of Prayer

My Dream:                                                                       

I dreamt that Christina and I were walking around a hotel’s surrounding shops and restaurant court yard, when I was prompted to look up.  I recall seeing some very dark storm clouds above these tall trees – there seemed to be an opening in the top of the trees and I was watching these gathering storm clouds, when suddenly I saw a dark smoky black image moving below the clouds, almost seemingly “dancing” below these clouds!  I kept looking at it and studied it - I could see that it had the appearance of a serpent, but it had the body and face of a dragon!  It was as if you merged an anaconda and a dragon into one creature!  Suddenly I realized it saw me and was sneering back at me and began to descend very rapidly towards me!  I started rebuking it in the name of Jesus Christ as I realized “greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world.  Then I looked towards Christina, who was totally oblivious to its presence, and asked her to look.  I pointed up to the opening and she immediately began to shake so violently that I felt terrible that I had revealed it to her.  She was trembling so violently that I put my arms around her and embraced her and told her we would pray together and take authority over it – that Jesus Christ in us was more powerful.  I started praying right where I was, eyes closed and not caring that I was in the middle of this “open court yard” and the people coming and going as we began.  I prayed something like: “I come against you in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, the I AM, the Alpha & Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Prince of Peace, Wonderful, Mighty Counselor, Everlasting Father, who Was, and Is, and Is to Come!  I cover us with the blood of the Lamb of God, for we are children of light not darkness, and you have no hold upon us – we take authority over you in the name of Jesus – the name above every name that can be named and at HIS name, every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, things above the earth…that is you, things on the earth and things under the earth!  We stand against you by the blood of the Lamb for the weapons of our warfare are mighty, powerful to the pulling down of strongholds. 

As I opened my eyes, I suddenly became aware of a sea of people that had heard us praying and had also seen the beast and who also were afraid and came to join us in our prayer!  We were packed tightly together like at one of those music concerts the youth go to, feeling each other’s heart beats and the warmth of each other’s presence – we were one body in total unison!  I began praying stronger and louder and bolder as power seemed to surge through each one of us – the power of the Holy Spirit.  I was prompted at the top of my voice range to compel everyone that “Named the name of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, who was covered by the Blood of the Lamb, who was written in the Lamb’s book of Life, to lift their hands towards heaven and begin to thank Him for preserving us and protecting us – lift your hands and begin to praise Him.  Everyone gathered had their hands raised and were all praying in one accord in total unison as one body!

My thoughts
I felt like something is about to be unveiled or revealed to the world that is going to separate the wheat from the chaff, the tares from the wheat!  I think the body of Christ will be drawn together with a new boldness, to deal with the fear that is about to be unleashed upon the world – men’s hearts failing them for fear of the things they see coming upon the world.   Christina found a Chinese dragon picture and it looked exactly like what I saw in the clouds descending upon us.  May we be found watching and ready, without spot or wrinkle (through the blood of the Lamb) so we will not be found naked at His very soon coming!

Sharron Wright

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