
Sunday, September 27, 2020

Prayer: for Applying Blood of Jesus...

 From Lion of Judah (YouTube 7/29/2020)

Link :

My God and my Father, I am in your presence with a repentant heart, asking you that you may forgive me for every sin I have committed. Heavenly Father I approach your throne with boldness, being grateful for Jesus dying for me on the cross that I may attain complete access to you. I declare Almighty God that you are my Jehovah Jirah, the Lord who looks ahead and makes provision for me. I am asking by faith that you may meet all my needs according to your riches in glory in Christ Jesus.  Jesus Christ, by faith in what you have done I now apply your blood over myself, my family, everything that concerns me. Father I pray that you will protect my family and I from the evil one. I pray that you will be a shield about me, above, behind and beneath. I stand firm on this promise Lord: You are my protector, my shield and my strength in times of trouble. You will never leave me or forsake me, of this I am assured. I place my faith completely in you where I find comfort, peace and rest. My declaration today: no weapon formed against me will prosper and every tongue that rises up against me in judgment will be condemned in the name of Jesus.  

Lord I ask you to preserve me from evil, temptations, sins, afflictions, calamity, anger, and any other works of the devil. l apply your blood Jesus, over my soul, mind, spirit, and body. I plead this same blood over my spouse and children's lives. Also I place everything in my life under the blood of Jesus, my job, finances, marriage, time and growth. I decree that Jesus is in me and goes before me. God's angels encamp around me and beneath me and are the loving arms of the Almighty God. I ask that the precious blood of Jesus would give me perfect spiritual, mental, and physical protection from what may hurt us in any form or shape. Although I do not see them, I know your angels are protecting me and my family. It says in your word that you give your angels charge over me to keep me in all my ways. In their hands they shall bear me up lest I dash my foot against a stone. I thank you Father for this wonderful reality, that I am protected in more ways then I could ever imagine. I give you all the glory, and honor for this. 

In the name of Jesus I plead and bind his blood against every demonic spirit: the spirit of rebellion, spells, yokes and wicked declarations, confusion, discouragement or anything that leads me into an ungodly lifestyle. I also apply the blood of Jesus over my home, finances, and everything that concerns me. Lord Jesus I apply your blood over my subconscious and conscious thoughts, and over every sleep that I may have. I apply the blood of Jesus over anyone that I am connected with and I decree no evil will come near them. I plead the blood of Jesus over my going out, my coming in, and my getting up. I am confident that God will preserve my life, cover me with His feathers and I will find refuge under his wings. I thank you that I can trust you to protect me and my family from all harm today. I believe that no evil will befall us and that no plegue will come near our dwelling. 

I pray to receive Divine wisdom from you God, so that I will operate my life and affairs according to the will of God. I am so grateful for your word, therefore, I apply the blood of Jesus Christ as my lawfull evidence to obtain all the promises He has spoken concerning me. Father, your word says that in III John 1:2 "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and that your body may keep well, even as your soul keeps well and prospers". I decree this word is manifesting in my life,  no sickness can befall me, for Jesus to overcome every sickness, therefore Lord, because of Jesus's blood that was shed for me on calvary, the blood that also redeemed me from the kingdom of darkness and washed my sins away and purchased my divine healing.  I request now that all sickness in my body may be healed. May your healing power flow from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, in Jesus mighty name. Fill me Lord with the Holy Spirit that I may do what is right and glorify God with my life. I plead the blood of Jesus over my tongue and lips. I ask you Father to cleans me of everything that I have uttered that does not glorify your name. I nullify every idle word that I have spoken to cause delay and stagnation in my life in the name of Jesus. I also apply the precious blood of Jesus over my eyes that I may start seeing in the spiritual realm with clarity . I plead the blood of Jesus over my ears to cleans them from any wickedness, slander, gossip and degradation.   I ask you Lord to cause my ears to hear your voice and word concerning my life, ministry and purpose. I decree and declare that I am made holy, sanctified and set apart by the precious blood of Jesus.  I decree that the precious blood of Jesus has redeemed me from all the traps, wiles and schemes of Satan’s work. Thank you Father that my life has been reserved and protected from all the evil attacks through His blood. I am victorious and greater is He that lives in me then he that lives in the world. Father, thank you for all that you have done for me through the precious blood of Jesus. Amen

Isaiah 41:10

Thes. 3:3

Psalm 91:1-4

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