
Monday, November 16, 2020

Prayer: Grace for Purpose, A prayer for protection against evil plans

The following was transcribed from a YouTube video: Grace for Purpose Prayers: A prayer for protection against evil plans, November 16, 2020 (link at end of this blogg.)

Spiritual warfare is a conflict, a war that is being waged in the invisible spiritual realm.  And the thing about this kind of battle is although its fought in the spiritual realm, it often manifests in the visible, physical realm.  This is why the apostle Paul wrote our struggle is not against flesh and blood, and its true, it's not against the things of this world. As a believer, your not fighting people, your not just fighting circumstances, no, your fighting the spirit behind the person, the devil behind the situation .  Our struggle is not against flesh and blood But against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. But here is what we are doing today, we're going to pray for victory in all areas of our life, believe that God will break every plan of the enemy. Trust that the Lord will have the final say in all matters concerning you, your protection, the conflicts you face, the battles you face. The Lord has the final say over all of that, through faith, through worship, and through prayer. We are protected from evil forces and more then just that, we have victory, and with that understanding, let us pray....


Lord Jesus, I look to you today concerning all things. I honor and reverance your Holy name today. Only you deserve the glory, only you deserve my praise and honor. My prayer today Lord is that you fight for me, fight my battles Lord. I believe that every setback from the enemy will be a setup to be a blessing for me in Jesus name. In you Father, I find strength, the strength and protection needed for every battle we face in this life. When I look back over my life Lord, you have been faithful. 

You have saved me and kept me from everything that has come to hurt me. I am still here , able to lift my voice, to lift my hands and thank you for your kindness and protection. Its because of you Lord Jesus that I have survived every attack from the devil which was intended to hurt me. I rebuke , cancel and destroy every assignment, every plot and every attack of the enemy over my life, and over my families life. 

I pray Lord that the blood of Jesus Christ over my life will cancel every curse and every negative word that has ever been spoken over my life. Your Word says from Psalms 34:7 that the angel of the Lord encamps around those that fear Him and He delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him. Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing. And so I pray that may your angels encamp around me. May you deliver me from all of my struggles. Deliver me from every stronghold, everything that seeks to stop my spiritual growth. Deliver me emotionally, physically and spiritually from all the enemy's attacks. Your Word says the Lord is faithful and He will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. I praise you for your word and its promise, the promise to protect me from the evil one, protect me from all the traps he set. Protect me from all of the schemes of the devil. 

You are faithful God. In the name of Jesus, there is no weapon forged against me that will prosper. In the name of Jesus I refute every tongue that speaks evil against me. Father, everything that seeks to disturb the peace in my mind, everything that seeks to destroy the peace in my spirit I ask today Lord that you remove it let it be placed far away from me. Protect my peace of mind Jesus. Protect the peace within my soul, Lord. Father, when life presents me with situations and decisions that are difficult and complicated, will you give me the grace to overcome, the strength to overcome. 

Give me the faith to turn to you for guidence and the power for me to let faith reign instead of fear. Help me to overcome feelings of confusion and worry and instead give me assurance, the belief that no weapon formed against me will prosper. I pray Lord, that when the enemy tries to crowd my mind with fear and anxiety,  when he tries to overwhelm me with burdens, may you be my load bearer.  May you be my resting place Lord Jesus.  May you block everything that can bring me down into a state of depression, a state of anxioty, may you be my rescue Lord and help me not to surcomb to the tricks of the enemy. I reject the devil's attacks. I reject his schemes in the name of Jesus.  I will stand on your word that says II Timothy 4:18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom. 

Lord, you are my hiding place and I know that under your wings I will always find safety. I can always find refuge. May you protect me always from trouble where ever I go. Keep evil far from me and my family. I speak the blood of Jesus to cover me, to surround my home. I ask that your presence be with me. May it be within me and behind me. 

Father, order my steps and lead me. Go before me Jehovah and be beside me. 

I want to thank you for your goodness and your mercy upon my life.  I thank you Lord for being in my life. You are the Lord God Almighty, the Great I AM. I say that you are my refuge, you are the chief cornerstone and I choose trust in the true and living God. You provide me with the shelter from life's storms, from life's difficulties. I speak the blood of Jesus upon each and every member of my family, for protection and preservation of life. I decree and declare that the gates of hell shall not prevail against me and my loved ones. Lord, I commit myself and my family into your hands in the name of Jesus. I apply blood of Jesus upon each and every door post of my home. Upon each and every window post of my home, for protection in the name of Jesus Christ.  May your pillar of fire be seen where my family and I abide every night. Lord, you have said you will not allow sickness and disease to come near me. I therefore declare that sickness and disease are far from me. I pray that you protect me and my family from everything that we cannot see that tries to harm us. No demon from hell, no unclean spirit, no generational curses, no misfortune will touch me or my family because of you God. I pray you will protect me and my loved ones, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the name that was given power above all names. 

Your Word in Psalms 91 says you will protect me from the terror by night, the arrow that flies by day and I receive that promise. I believe that you are faithful to your word. God, give me the faith of Mose so  that when you speak to me and call me to do your work, or when the time comes for me to step into my destiny calling, help me not to doubt. Give me the faith to step out and walk on water. When my mind says:"you can't do that" or you will never succeed at that, I pray for bold faith that will push back and say, with God, all things are possible. Give me the measure of faith that truly believes that you are the God of I AM and you will make a way for me when there seems to be no way. 

Lord I pray for a heart of worship like David. I too want to chase after your heart. I too want to worship you in spirit and in truth. Dear God, give me the boldness of the three Hebrew boys, the boldness to remove every idol in my life, the boldness to refuse to bow down to anything and everything that tries to take your place in my life. Father I pray, may you increase in my life, as I decrease. I bless your Holy name, thank you for hearing my prayer, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.  

Link to YouTube video: BE COVERED BY GOD'S GRACE

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