
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Elena Prophecy... Prophetic Word For Elena – Do Not Underestimate My Silence

 Not sure where or how I got this but I feel God wanted me to find it, today during these days Elena struggles with her spiritual battles. Help me pray for her victory, complete deliverence from her oppressors.  God bless!

God said: “Fear not child of Mine, fear not. Though the season seems long and dry, I am with you to the end. Behold! You are in the palms of My hands. Nothing and no one can snatch you out of My hands. Don’t wander out of My hands so you will stay protected. Breath My love, breath! It will all be over soon. I am making a way for you where there seems to be none. I will remove the obstacles out of your way, I will break through the iron bars and gates. Am I not strong enough to do this and accomplish this? Oh child of Mine, don’t lose heart My love, don’t lose heart. Is life not more important than clothes? Do I not know that you need all these things? Have I not kept you?
Look back child, look back and examine how I have been with you all these years. Even though it has been hard, have I not remained faithful? Are you not still here? Do you not still have life and breath in you? Keep your eyes on Me and not your circumstances, dear one. If you look back you will see the times you feared and lost heart and you will recognize that I did come through and uphold you, even if it wasn’t the way you thought or wanted, but I was there. I have purpose for everything child, even the difficulties in your life. If you entrust them into My care, I will work them out for your good.
I won’t let your suffering be for nothing, so commit it all to Me and watch Me do wonders on your behalf. Things you could never dream or imagine. But all things in My timing sweetheart, for I know what is best and have a set and ordained time for everything. I see the bigger picture and the bigger plan. I work everything according to My purpose and will and My wisdom. Am I not God? Do I not get to do My will and purposes on the earth?
Oh child draw close to Me and gain wisdom. Ask of Me for discernment and instruction. Do not be stubborn or foolish but understand what My will is for your life. To live with you, to abide with you, to enjoy you. Is that not the greatest pleasure of My heart to spend time with you? Have I not created you for that purpose? To draw near? To be one with Me as We are One.? Lift your eyes up to Me. Be still in My Presence and know that I am God.
I work where you do not see. Don’t underestimate My silence. Don’t assume I am not interested and don’t care. For you do not know what I have been up to and doing behind the scenes. Humble yourself before Me, live surrendered and know that I am in control and won’t let your foot slip even if you stumble. My heart belongs to you, I do not withhold it from you. Come drink and eat of Me so that you won’t hunger and thirst. I bless you My child.”
Here are the scriptures the Lord gave with this word:
John 6:35, John 4:14, Isaiah 43:3, Psalm 37, John 14:27, Galatians 3:29, John 17:21-23
Be blessed 

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